COTC: Past Work & Lent Submission

COTC: Past Work & Lent Submission

This page is to give samples of Kate Meyer’s past work (directly below), as well as share ideas for future projects (below past work).


James 3:13-18

What stood out to me from this verse was harboring bitter envy and the use of Cain as an example. This proposal tries to illustrate that by playing with words and imagery. “An unkindness followed by a murder.” What I see in my mind is two Ravens (a group of ravens is called an unkindness) in the foreground, nestling in love, juxtapose of their label, but in the background a murder (group) of crows in a menacing tree in silhouette against the moon.

I would like to do this idea in acrylic paints, this would be a large painting.

Matthew 6:1-6

I would like to do a series of 3 paintings. When brainstorming pride and how that sin leads to ruin, God convicted me of my own pride. My sinful pride stems from not releasing control to God, having false pride in my talents, false humility when given praise. This is what I want to reflect in my first painting: a fox in a proud sitting position with all kinds of glamour about him, cherry blossoms, flowers, maybe even gold, creatures praising, yet his face reads unhappiness. The second painting should reflect how temporary and empty the material things are, all of the flowers are dead, the trees are bare, the fox is left alone in the dark forest. The third painting’s aim is to reflect Matthew 6:1-6, in it’s simplicity. The fox is alone with a more blank background, smiling beaming in the sun, tears are streaming down his face, and at his feet, there is a single flower blooming in the puddle of tears.

I would like to do this idea in acrylic paints, a series of three paintings.


Matthew 5:27-30

This would be an extension of my series Creature, pictured above (and video below). At Renaissance, I got to present these 4 watercolor paintings of a cat/creature in various stages. This series is very personal because it reflects my struggle with the sin of Lust. While I was painting these, Psalm 51 was screaming in my head, as well as Psalm 40, “he lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the muck and mire.” For this commission, I would like to extend this series with more paintings, focusing on the struggle of getting out. One of the paintings will illustrate sin dragging the creature further down, the creature gripping the edge of a cliff, while the darkness surrounds it. One of the paintings will illustrate Matthew 5:30, by the creature clipping it’s own wings with its teeth. Another painting would be the creature standing by the edge of a cliff, as the tentacles of darkness reach out from below. I also want to add one more further painting of God’s faithfulness, with the creature curling up and basking in the surrounding, encompassing light of His faithfulness.

The extension of this series would be 3-4 paintings; the whole series being 7-8 paintings total. The medium would continue in watercolor/watercolor markers.